Jul 2023-Jun 2024 | Jan-Jun 2023

Jul 2023-Jun 2024
Non-Cash Benefits

Housed by Employer
Type of Housing
Value of Housing  
Rent to Employer

Ignore non-cash benefits up to Ksh 3,000
Use new NSSF Tiers
Deduct Tier II NSSF
Deduct Housing Levy
Allow Relief on Housing Levy

This calculator works out the monthly gross pay that will yield a desired net pay by adding back PAYE, NSSF, NHIF and housing levy.

Note that there are cases where a given net pay corresponds to more than one gross pay. For example, with the default settings and no non-cash benefits, gross pay values of 100,000.00 and 99,875.71 both yield a net pay of 73,384.65. In such cases the calculator generates the minimum gross pay that corresponds to the given net pay.